Friday, April 29, 2011

It was Time for new Tires

One of the most important part of owning any car is the tires you put on it. In the journey of tuning and bettering my Princess, I recently bought new wheels for the Princess. The part that came along with this was buying new tires for it. when deciding on what tires to put on the Princess I chose to go with Kuhmo because it is the brand my family has been trusting on all of our cars. I decided to go with the Kumho Escata ASX because of the ratings on the tires and compared to other tires out there. One of the better parts of the tires is that it has a 30k mile warranty, which I'm hoping to be able to get that kinda milage out of them. The best difference I have noticed in my car was that my handling improved a bit. With that I noticed a great difference in traction on the road, even when the ground is wet. And like most tires in this category that are Z rated. One thing I do like about the tires unlike most of the other tires they are not unidirectional, which in my opinion is a plus since it means you can rotate them more often. I have to recommend these tires to any body out there that is looking for tires in this class, most of the Escatas will fit most other Volvos. When you decided to get new tires, give any of the Kumhos a try.

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