I don't want to sound negative but I am going to go off and a rant today. This has to do with my car, where it involves parking and parking lots. My first question is, why is it so hard to park between the lines. Is it really that difficult? I can only let the excuse of faded lines to the only reason too. It doesn't matter which car I am driving I can managed to do this, and usually within a week I managed to drive four different cars. These cars include a Toyota Highlander, a Nissan Xterra, Jaguar XK8 Convertible and of course my Volvo 850. My biggest pet peeve for parking is parking angled in a space. I am going to say it again, its not that difficult. Is it because people are just lazy or just don't care how they parked and aren't concerned that they might actually be taking more than one spot. Most of the dints and dings in my car are from parking lots. Its not that hard to look around you and try not the hit the car next to you. I think the worst thing someone could do is a “Hit and Run”. The last one that happened to my car was Labor Day weekend at my job. They even went to the extent to get out of there car and look and see if they actually hit me. I could tell because they wiped the dirt off my back bumper. Through my previous experience in parking lots, I think that we need to all try and be a bit more courteous and park between the lines and perpendicular to the lines.
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